viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2006

Saying goodbye.

A nice day... and a sad day. I will come back to Gijón next Sunday, and, although this was a dinner with the people of the oral skill, it was more than a party, it was the moment to say goodbye, I hope to see you again, friend.

All the food was excelent, but my heart was sad. I had already said goodbye to Tobias in the morning, and in the evening to Fabio. I am sure that the distance is not going to get cold our friendship, but I am going to miss them. Who is going now to correct my english mistakes? Who is going to share a beer with me in the party? Agggggg. I will miss you.

Talking now about the party: it was in the same building than the lessons. They have a kitchen in the building between the classes. Everybodu brought their tipical food and it was great. I was very surprised due to the sushi of Yuday. I had eaten sushi but i have never liked it very much, and the sushi of Yuday was quite good. The best sushi i have never tasted. I don't remember the name of the other foods but all of them were great. And we spent a nice moments together, even more when Fabio started to read a Cristmas Poem to pass the course (too many absences).

I hope to be able to enrol in the next oral skill, next semester. Let's see.

Goodbye friends. We will see again soon.

Now, I am sad, but in few days i will be at home with my other friends and my girlfriend, so I will be happy again.


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